carver, raymond
I was in the kitchen when Donna came in with her empty glass. We were alone for a bit. I got her into a little embrace. She hugged me back. We stood there and hugged.
Then she said, “Don’t. Not now.”
When I heard that “Not now”, I let go. I figured it was money in the bank.
Then she said, “Don’t. Not now.”
When I heard that “Not now”, I let go. I figured it was money in the bank.
Yo estaba en la cocina cuando Donna apareció con el vaso vacío. Estuvimos solos un rato. La abracé un poco. Respondió. Nos quedamos abrazados.
- No, ahora no - dijo al cabo.
Cuando oí el “ahora no”, la solté. Pensé que era algo tan seguro como el dinero en el banco.
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